Full Stack Designer

Full stack designers have comprehensive thinking as their biggest advantage. They are familiar with both product development and design processes, which allows them to understand product design limitations and control expectations. Their familiarity with these processes also makes it easier for teams to understand development, marketing, and user experience details. This leads to more seamless cooperation and reduces rework and unexpected situations.

UX Research

I can do UX research to understand the needs, preferences and behaviors of the users of a product or service. I can use various methods such as interviews, surveys, usability tests and analytics to collect and analyze data. I can then synthesize the findings and provide actionable insights and recommendations to improve the user experience and achieve the business goals.

- Planning and conducting user research methods, such as interviews, surveys, usability tests, focus groups, and contextual inquiries.

- Analyzing and synthesizing user data, such as behavioral patterns, needs, preferences, motivations, and feedback.

- Communicating and presenting user research findings and insights to stakeholders, such as designers, developers, managers, and clients.

- Collaborating and coordinating with other UX professionals, such as UX designers, UI designers, and content strategists.

- Applying user research principles and best practices to ensure ethical, inclusive, and user-centered design solutions.

UI Design

I have experience in creating user-friendly, attractive and functional interfaces that meet the needs and expectations of the clients and the users. I can work with different tools and technologies, such as Figma, Miro, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I can also collaborate with developers, testers and other designers to ensure the quality and consistency of the UI design across the project.

- Knowledge of UI design principles and best practices, such as layout, typography, color, contrast, hierarchy, feedback, etc.

- Ability to use UI design tools and software, such as Figma, Webflow, Blender, Photoshop, etc.

- Ability to create wireframes, mockups, prototypes and UI assets for different platforms and screen sizes.

- Ability to collaborate with developers, product managers, UX designers and other stakeholders to ensure the UI design meets the user needs and business goals.

- Ability to test and evaluate the UI design with users and incorporate feedback and changes.


Prototyping is a process of creating a preliminary version of a product, service or system that can be tested and evaluated before finalizing the design. I can Prototyping can help to identify potential problems, improve user feedback, reduce costs and risks, and increase innovation. Prototyping can be done using various methods and tools, such as sketches, mockups, wireframes, models, simulations or prototypes. I use Figma, Webflow, HTML, CSS and Javascript to prototype.

Webpage Builders

I can use Webpage builders to create attractive and functional websites. Some examples of Webpage builders are Wix, Squarespace and Webflow.

- Webpage builders save time and money by eliminating the need for hiring a developer teams.

- They enable users to test and optimize different page elements, such as headlines, images, colors, and buttons, to improve conversion rates.

- They integrate with other tools and platforms, such as email marketing services, analytics tools, and social media networks, to enhance the functionality and reach of the product.

App builders

I am learning to use app builders. App builders are tools that allow anyone to create mobile or web applications. They usually have drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-made templates that make the process easy and fast. App builders can help me create apps for personal use, education, business, or entertainment. Some examples of app builders are Appy Pie, Thunkable, and Bubble.


I am a web developer with a passion for creating interactive and immersive experiences. I have experience using various technologies such as CSS, React, Three.js, Framer Motion, and Next.js. I can design and implement responsive and dynamic websites that leverage the power of 3D graphics, animations, and transitions. I enjoy learning new skills and exploring new possibilities. Learning development makes me a better designer.

I take complex problems

And simplify them.

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